Mobility Roadshow

The mobility event of the year – Silverstone International Circuit


More than 6000 visitors over 3 days enjoy over 120 manufacturer’s innovations in mobility.

The Mobility Roadshow is a wonderful event that’s been going for over 25 years. It’s a three-day exhibition for people looking to regain or maintain independent mobility, whether drivers with disabilities, young and novice disabled drivers looking for their first adapted vehicle, options for wheelchair accessible vehicles, older drivers looking for comfortable driving solutions, plus independent living innovations for personal mobility in and out of the home. It brings together 120+ manufacturers and 6,000+visitors. 

We got involved with the 2016 show about six months before, with the task of planning the logistics for the entire show. At this point the venue was chosen and the foundation for the event laid in terms of evolving the footprint of the previous shows; it was our job to do the rest.  

Vehicle test-drives around the international racing circuit
needed to be carefully considered.

The show had a number of elements that had to be carefully considered; the main exhibition in the halls, vehicle exhibition in the pit garages, vehicle test-drives round the racing circuit, additional catering areas, adapting the various car parks to accommodate disabled drivers, bringing in additional accessible bathroom facilities, train station shuttles and accommodation and generally assessing every aspect of the show from the point of view of a disabled visitor and implementing solutions. 

We then project managed over 120 exhibitors, producing a campaign of communications to aid exhibitors to plan for the show, including detailed exhibitor guidelines, and gleaned information to allow us to plan for their arrival (including the movement of exhibitor vehicles, stand-build contractor information and catering). 

For the live event, we arrived the days prior to the show to manage all set-up and contractors ready for the show opening. During the live event, we managed the Event Organisers office, and were the main point of contact for exhibitors, conference speakers, venue liaison etc.   

The event was a huge success, with many exhibitors recording record sales for the show, and some wonderful anecdotal feedback from visitors who perhaps don’t get the opportunity to attend anything like this anywhere else. The show is without a doubt one of the most rewarding we’ve ever done and will always have a special place in The Event Foundry heart!